Monday 17 March 2014

Well hello there.

As you may have gathered from the title, this is yet another film review blog written by a film student that'll get swept up amongst the various other thousands of film reviewers that are probably more worthy of your time.
Let's get introductions out the way -

Who are you?
My name is Rhona, I am a second year film student at university and I will be your host.

seen above, me! kinda.
I've opted to use a drawing someone did as me to represent myself because all real life pictures of me are either one (or a combination) of the following:

  1. I'm pulling a stupid face.
  2. I'm drunk.
  3. I still had long hair and braces.
Trust me, no-one wants to see any of those.

Why did you make this blog?
A combination of a few things (I like lists, does that show?).
  1. I am a film student (as previously mentioned), therefore I watch a lot of films and subsequently have a lot of opinions on them. 
  2. I'm an aspiring writer - although I want to focus on fiction, this blog will encourage me to write more, which is always handy.
  3. This blog will also allow me to hone my skills in looking and writing about films in a critical manner (gosh, doesn't that sound like a barrel of laughs?) so hopefully my essays for university won't be quite as shitty.
  4. I had a blog prior to this but it was all jumbled up with posts about different things, like my life, my time at university, music reviews etc. and I wanted something that was solely film oriented. 
I disagree with all of your opinions.
Something which you are entitled to, just bear in mind that everything I write will be a product of my own opinion. If you feel particularly strongly about anything that I've written (in the future, seeing as I've not written an actual review yet), go blog about it.

So do you have like a schedule or some specific films you're going to talk about?
I'll aim to post once a week, but seeing at this is still on its babylegs, i'll see what days and stuff feel right to post on. As far as content goes, it's just whatever film I've recently watched or feel like talking about. Deal with it. 

I like the stuff that you write about, can I find you anywhere else?
Why thank you! Of course you like my stuff, my opinion is clearly better than yours and I am a flawless writer. Duh. 
Other places that you can view my writing includes a blog run by a friend of mine (Ben, picture below). I recently did a collaboration talking about the Oscars and I hope to be posting over on his blog once a week as well, so if you need another fix of my sweet sweet, nourishing reviews, head on over to The Pop Culture Cynic (mmhmm, clickable linky goodness).

and here's my good buddy Ben- AAAARRGH. 
I think I've covered all my bases fairly well, don't you? Glad you agree. Even if you didn't agree, it's too late, I've taken your disagreement as an agreement. Hush.
I'll see you lot soon, but that's all for now folks!

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